Spark Creativity with these 6th Grade Narrative Writing Prompts

Using writing prompts for narrative writing is a great way to motivate 6th grade students and get them excited to write. Narrative writing tells a story using a beginning, middle, and end, and includes elements such as characters, setting, problem, and solution.

Whether the story is based on real-life experiences or purely fictional, the process remains the same. Immersing students in the genre of narrative writing, including personal narratives, can be beneficial before and during a narrative writing unit. Students can learn to include features such as an introduction, body, and conclusion with descriptive details.

For older grades, plot structure can be introduced, following the format of beginning, middle, and end but on a higher level. The topics for narrative writing are endless, allowing students to create engaging fiction or reflect on their own personal experiences. Writing prompts serve as a valuable tool to ignite the creative juices and provide students with engaging topics to write about.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writing prompts are an effective way to spark creativity and engagement in 6th grade narrative writing.
  • Narrative writing includes elements such as characters, setting, problem, and solution.
  • Personal narratives can be used as examples and mentor texts for students.
  • Teaching narrative writing involves introducing the concept of beginning, middle, and end, and expanding to include other elements.
  • Assessing narrative writing can be done using rubrics to provide accurate and helpful feedback to students.

What’s Narrative Writing? Examples and Mentor Texts

Narrative writing is a style of writing that tells a story using a beginning, middle, and end. It involves incorporating elements such as characters, setting, problem, and solution. Narrative writing can be based on real-life experiences, known as personal narratives, or purely fictional.

When teaching narrative writing, it can be helpful to provide students with examples of well-written narratives and mentor texts. These texts not only showcase different storytelling techniques but also serve as models for students to emulate in their own writing. Some excellent examples of narrative writing include “Owl Moon” by Jane Yolen, “Come on, Rain!” by Karen Hesse, and “Those Shoes” by Maribeth Boelts. These mentor texts cover a range of genres and can be used to teach specific strategies, such as creating compelling characters or building suspense in a story.

By using narrative writing examples and mentor texts, students can learn from established authors and gain a deeper understanding of what makes a narrative engaging and effective.

Benefits of Using Mentor Texts for Narrative Writing

  • Mentor texts provide students with real-world examples of narrative writing.
  • They demonstrate various storytelling techniques and styles.
  • Students can learn from established authors and incorporate their strategies into their own writing.
  • Mentor texts can spark students’ creativity and inspire unique story ideas.

Overall, mentor texts are valuable resources for teaching and learning narrative writing, allowing students to develop their storytelling skills and become more proficient writers.

How to Teach Narrative Writing in 6th Grade

Teaching narrative writing to 6th graders requires a strategic approach to help them understand the key elements of storytelling and develop their writing skills. Here are some effective strategies for teaching narrative writing:

1. Start with the Basics

Begin by introducing the concept of a narrative, emphasizing its structure with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Teach students how to craft engaging introductions that grab the reader’s attention, develop the story with a well-paced middle section, and provide a satisfying conclusion. Emphasize the importance of using descriptive details to engage the reader and make the story come alive.

2. Explore Characterization and Setting

Help students understand how to create compelling characters by teaching them how to develop detailed descriptions and provide insight into their thoughts, feelings, and motivations. Encourage them to think about how the setting can impact the story and help create a vivid backdrop for the narrative. Provide opportunities for students to practice creating dynamic characters and settings through writing exercises and discussions.

3. Develop Plot Structure

As students’ skills progress, introduce the concept of plot structure, including exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Teach them how to build tension and suspense, and guide them in crafting satisfying resolutions that tie up loose ends. Encourage students to think critically about the structure of their narratives and how each element contributes to the overall story.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively teach narrative writing to 6th graders and help them become confident storytellers. Engage their creativity, guide their understanding of storytelling elements, and provide opportunities for practice and feedback. With consistent instruction and support, students will develop their narrative writing skills and be well-prepared for future writing endeavors.

Engaging Writing Prompts for 6th Grade Narratives

Writing prompts are a valuable tool to engage and inspire 6th-grade students in their narrative writing. These prompts provide students with interesting and thought-provoking topics to explore, sparking their creativity and imagination. Here are some engaging writing prompts specifically designed for 6th graders:

  1. “I was taking my friend’s picture in front of the volcano when all of a sudden…”
  2. “What if you were given 3 wishes but couldn’t use them on yourself? Tell a story about what you would wish for and why.”
  3. “Write a story called ‘The Luckiest Day of My Life’.”
  4. “Imagine you went to the zoo and could take home any animal for the day. Tell a story about your time together.”
  5. “Write a silly story using the words: airplane, grapes, elephant, and book.”
  6. “You have just been shrunk down to the size of an ant. Write a story including the good and bad things about being so small.”
  7. “Think about your favorite character from a book. Tell a story about getting to meet them for the first time.”
  8. “What would happen if you lived during a time when there was no electricity? Write a story about your school day.”
  9. “Finish this story: ‘The pirates set sail on their ship in search of…'”
  10. “Suppose you were a teacher for a day. Write a story about the changes you would make.”

By using these prompts, students can explore a range of narrative styles and themes, from adventure and fantasy to personal experiences and social scenarios. Encourage students to incorporate the elements of narrative writing, such as character development, setting description, and problem-solving, into their stories. These prompts will not only ignite their creativity but also provide an opportunity for them to practice their narrative writing skills.

Remember to provide support and guidance as students work on their narratives. Encourage them to revise and edit their stories, focusing on elements like plot structure, dialogue, and descriptive details. By engaging in regular narrative writing exercises with these prompts, 6th-grade students can develop their storytelling abilities and become more confident writers.

Rubrics for Assessing Narrative Writing

Assessing narrative writing can be a complex task, but utilizing rubrics simplifies the process. Rubrics offer guidelines and criteria for evaluating students’ writing, ensuring a fair and consistent assessment. When assessing narrative writing, it is recommended to choose a select number of writing pieces to evaluate with a rubric, rather than attempting to assess every single piece. This approach allows for a more focused and comprehensive evaluation of students’ narrative skills.

Some examples of rubrics that can be used for assessing narrative writing include student-friendly rubrics designed for 2nd grade, teacher-friendly rubrics suitable for 3rd grade, and time-saving rubrics tailored to 4th-grade classrooms. These rubrics serve as valuable tools for benchmark assessments, progress reports, and report cards, providing accurate and constructive feedback to students about their narrative writing abilities.

Implementing rubrics for assessing narrative writing helps teachers gauge students’ proficiency in various elements of storytelling, such as character development, plot structure, descriptive language, and overall coherence. By utilizing rubrics, educators can provide targeted guidance and support to help students improve their narrative writing skills and achieve academic success.


Narrative writing is a crucial skill for 6th graders to develop as it allows them to express their creativity and engage in the writing process. By utilizing engaging writing prompts specifically designed for 6th graders, students are motivated to explore various storytelling ideas and hone their narrative writing skills. These prompts serve as catalysts to spark their imagination and encourage them to think critically about characters, settings, and plotlines.

In addition to writing prompts, mentor texts play a significant role in guiding students’ narrative writing journey. These texts offer examples and strategies that students can apply to their own writing. By studying the narrative techniques used in mentor texts, students learn how to effectively structure their narratives, create engaging characters, and develop meaningful story arcs.

Teaching narrative writing effectively involves introducing students to the key elements of narrative writing, gradually expanding their writing abilities, and providing them with opportunities for practice and feedback. It is essential to emphasize the importance of organization, coherence, and detail in narratives. By teaching students how to craft well-structured narratives with strong introductions, captivating middles, and satisfying conclusions, educators equip them with the necessary tools to become confident and proficient narrative writers.

Assessing students’ narrative writing can be done using rubrics. Rubrics provide educators with clear guidelines and criteria for evaluating students’ writing performance. By using rubrics, educators can provide constructive feedback to students, identify areas for improvement, and acknowledge students’ strengths. Rubrics ensure fair and consistent assessment practices, allowing students to understand their progress and work towards achieving specific writing goals.

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Spark Creativity with these 6th Grade Narrative Writing Prompts